I am having such a contrast of emotions. I am excited and happy and so sad and depleted.
The social worker met with G, the birthmom, yesterday for 3 hours. I know I have said it so many times, but I am really thankful for the social worker I found. I feel like it is one of the many pieces of this adoption journey that was meant to be. I think if she hadn't come into the picture than this young, sweet birthmom would have just tried to keep all her emotions inside which would have been detrimental to her future. G is still processing everything and asking all the right questions and she is grieving. I am feeling so sad and protective of G that I am finding it so hard to be excited about the baby. I think I am going to write G a letter just to get all my emotions out. Whether I give it to her or not it will feel good to get my thoughts and feelings out of my head and down on paper. The social worker said that G is going to E-mail me to make contact so of'course I am checking my E-mail every 10 seconds :) I really am glad we are moving forward and even through all her grieving G told the social worker that she is so happy that the baby is going to us. I feel so honored that placing her baby with us gives her some peace. I only hope she can continue to find peace throughout this journey. I hope we all can.
Yes...it is quite the mixed bag isn't it? I am glad your social worker is meeting with her and working with her.
deep breaths, deep breaths
I just wrote a post on "luck" as in "your child is so lucky". I hate that because this is one of the forgotten pieces of adoption. It sucks that their has to be such heartbreaking loss...
You are doing great with all this! I think it's a gift for you to be able to care so much for and empathize with the birthmom -- it will be of such help to your daughter - and to all involved. Getting your feelings on paper is a great idea.
I know a wonderful woman who got pregnant in college and created an adoption plan for her baby. She wanted an open adoption and it has worked out splendidly for all. She has never regretted her decision and is thrilled to see this little boy so happy and healthy in a terrific family.
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