Sunday, June 7, 2009


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Well, it looks like the domestic adoption is not going to happen.  The birthfamily has kind of disappeared, well not entirely, but they have greatly reduced communication with my sister in law and they are not talking about the adoption anymore.  There is still a chance that they will call in a few weeks and be interested in making an adoption plan and we will have to decide what the best decision is for our family.  I am a little disappointed because I did start to fantasize about a newborn baby girl, but on the other hand I was also freaking out about all that comes with a newborn.  One of my friends said, "you know it always seems that in the situations that are not meant to be you find yourself trying too hard to make it be," and I think that is exactly what I was doing.  
I am excited to be back on our Ethiopia adoption path because my heart still had a foot, a big foot, over the line and into Ethiopia :)  We are taking it somewhat slow so that we can continue to save the money needed to complete the process, but I know we will get there.  Another one of my friends (man I have smart friends) said, "At the end of all this your precious daughter that is meant to be in your family will be in your arms." Kind of makes my arms ache :)


veggiemom said...

Sounds like you (or your friends at least ;-) ) have a good perspective on the whole situation. I'm not one who believes that children are predestined by God to end up in certain families. I'm sure there are many girls from both Guatemala and Ethiopia who could have made me a very happy mother. That said, the two daughters I have are absolutely perfect for me and I can't imagine any others, even the two referrals I lost along the way when I was in the Kaz program. Much like your friend said, the daughter you end up with will be the perfect daughter for you!

JenZ said...

Ah, Harmony. . .I'm so sorry to hear about the domestic adoption disappearance. BUT it sure sounds like some sort of adoption will still be in the works, which is great news and something to focus on. That's HUGE! And yes, I have to tend to agree with your friend. Your daughter that is meant to be will arrive and it will all seem like a distant thought!!!! Thinking of you and your family. Keeping all the positive thoughts present and it will happen!!!!!!!!! Jen