Saturday, May 30, 2009


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As I posted earlier, we are now pursuing a domestic adoption.  We do have a birthmother that is considering placing her baby with us.  It did not come about the "traditional" way, whatever that means :)  We were starting our international adoption and a family member contacted us to tell us of a young birthmom that she knows who is pregnant and wants to place the baby for adoption.  
So, I have now been researching domestic adoption and we have a "plan" in place, but we're waiting....and waiting....and, yep, waiting.......

I really feel for the birthfamily.  This young girl and her parents are in shock and no one is really talking :(  We have located a WONDERFUL social worker that will go meet with the family as soon as they are ready.  At the end of this month the birthmom has an ultrasound appointment (hopefully sooner if they can get in) and after that, if they are still interested, we will have the social worker set up an appointment with them.  

Waiting for things to unfold is a good lesson in patience, which I need...desperately (but don't like)!  When I know something more (I will be sane again) I will let you know :)
Have a great weekend!!!


JenZ said...

Harmony - Quite the change in events and situations for sure. . .But I am just wishing all the best for you and your family! Funny how sometimes things "fall in your lap". . .as the saying goes. Whichever route you are able to take will be a great one! Patience is so hard. . .but I know you can do it!!!!!!!!!! Thinking and praying for you and your family.

Tammy said...

Thoughts and prayers are with you as your future unfolds!