Saturday, May 30, 2009


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As I posted earlier, we are now pursuing a domestic adoption.  We do have a birthmother that is considering placing her baby with us.  It did not come about the "traditional" way, whatever that means :)  We were starting our international adoption and a family member contacted us to tell us of a young birthmom that she knows who is pregnant and wants to place the baby for adoption.  
So, I have now been researching domestic adoption and we have a "plan" in place, but we're waiting....and waiting....and, yep, waiting.......

I really feel for the birthfamily.  This young girl and her parents are in shock and no one is really talking :(  We have located a WONDERFUL social worker that will go meet with the family as soon as they are ready.  At the end of this month the birthmom has an ultrasound appointment (hopefully sooner if they can get in) and after that, if they are still interested, we will have the social worker set up an appointment with them.  

Waiting for things to unfold is a good lesson in patience, which I need...desperately (but don't like)!  When I know something more (I will be sane again) I will let you know :)
Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

1st Homestudy Visit

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So, we had our first Homestudy visit on May 21st and approximately (actually, exactly) 11 a.m.  A Homestudy is when a social worker comes to (put you under a microscope) ask you questions and tour your house.  Everyone gets nervous about this. I really didn't think I would be that nervous until I read that the house should be "TIDY"...yikes!!!  "TIDY" is not a word I would EVER us to describe my house.  "Clean", as in not covered in dirt, yes, but "TIDY",  Somehow we managed to "TIDY" it up and then we took pictures because it was, actually because we have to give pictures of our house to our placement agency, so that seemed like a good time to take them.
All in all, it really was "no problem".  We talked about how we met (and finally agreed on the story:), what we like about each other (I'm funny, he puts up with me:), how we train, I mean parent our kids (bribes) and why we want to adopt (because it's the best experience in the whole wide world, equal to having our biological kids of'course :).
So, now we finish up a few more forms (medical, 2 more on-line classes and 1 reference letter) and then we schedule our final visit....HOWEVER...we are now considering a Domestic adoption and so we are waiting to hear more details from the birthfamily to see if it is likely to go through.  Can you say..."ROLLERCOASTER RIDE"?  We will continue down our same path of our international adoption and if we decide to take a turn down the path of domestic adoption then we will finish the Homestudy as a domestic homestudy.
The birthmother is due at the beginning of AUGUST!!!! ( so mom if you are reading this, we may have to bank those plane tickets....don't be you :)
Stay Tuned............................

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Follow Our Journey

Hello and welcome.  We are so happy to share our journey to our daughter with others! Currently we are a family of 4 humans and 1 big dog.  Our family consist of mom, dad, Big Brother (age 5 yrs) and Little Brother (2 yrs).  So, as you can see we have a lot of male energy in our house (even our dog is a boy) so we are very excited to be on the path to adding a daughter to our family.

We decided to adopt for many reasons.  We wanted to add to our family, we wanted to provide loving  home to a child in need, I had 2 C-Section deliveries and didn't want to have another abdominal surgery, we feel fortunate to have been able to have 2 wonderful biological boys and have always talked about wanting to adopt, so now is the time :)

There are many options with adoption and we have considered them all.  We have decided on using international adoption, however we are also staying open to what the universe presents us :)  There are also many international adoption programs that we researched and in the end decided on Ethiopia....But again, we are staying open...

At the end of this journey we will have our daughter in our arms and this winding, difficult, exciting journey will all be worth it.  Please follow along as we take steps closer to our little girl. As they say(I don't know who they are), it takes a village...

If you have any questions about adoption please feel free to leave a comment and we will respond.  If you would like us to respond to you privately please leave me your E-mail address and we will respond to that account.

Thanks for your love and support....